Monday, December 17

It is Happening at St James

Through the efforts, work, prayer and given grace, it is "Happening" at St James!

Looking towards 2008 the "Happening" will be greater!

Not to be missed, and not an all-inclusive list, you can join in:

Prayer Circle
Homework Club
Fellowship Groups (Men's, Women's, Single's, Book Reader's and more!)
Christian Education
Lay Readers
and Much Much more!

Join in!

See you there!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!!!
Homework Club Sounds Great,
especially for Middle and High Schoolers. We have Highly Educated members who are Medical, Science, Library, High School Employees!

Jane and a volunteer need to start up the 2008 Book Club. Who can join in? Anne? Eleanor? Others?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to OUR own Jane Robinson! Anne

Anonymous said...

January 15! Happy! Happy! Happy Birthday Jane!
Your friend - Eleanor

Anonymous said...

Annalisa Valli Jane Robinson go to Madison the STATE HISTORY DAY with Annalisa's Project.

Will Anne ask for donations of clothing and underwear to take to ASP for local Appalachians