Friday, March 30

Thank You Dr Anne !!

I am sure we all offer our heartfelt thanks to Dr Anne for her service on Vestry and as our Junior Warden.

As many of you will have started to read in Fr Tom's informational on Dr Anne's resignation, Anne has stepped down from her Warden's role at St. James.

I am sure as time goes by she will be able to share herself what lead to herr decision.

Thank you Dr Anne for all you have done and glad to have you with us "regular folk" again!

Steve & Alison

Thursday, March 1

Check out photos

Photos of Shrove Tuesday, the Crafters for Outreach, and Joanna Sanchez's reception into the church on 2/25/07 at St. Anne's DePere are available for viewing at My Family -- St. James. If you need an invitation to that site please let me know. Anne

Sunday adult forum - feedback and ideas

Every Sunday from 8:45-9:45 AM, adults gather in the fellowship space on the lower level for an adult forum. These sessions are designed to be a la carte. There is no commitment to reading a book or preparing for the session--come as you are! These sessions do not require weekly attendance--come when you can!

Previous and upcoming topics include:
January 14 - Habitat for Humanity - with Bill Duran and Jean Wakefield
January 21 - Presentation on India - with Pradeep Giriyappa
January 28 - History of the Great Litany - with Fr. Tom McAlpine
February 4 - Open forum with the Bishop - with Bishop Russ Jacobus
February 11 - Hospice care presentation - with Sister Jean Herman
February 18 - "Grousin' Buddies" - book discussion with author Bob Feller
February 25 - "Voice of Young Adults" - DVD and discussion
March 4 - What is lay ministry? - discussion with Fr. Tom McAlpine
March 11 - "Women in the Early Church" - DVD and discussion
March 18 - "Windows on Mission" - DVD and discussion
March 25 - Appalachian Service Project - presentation by Jon Buggs

Sally Hunner has been coordinating presenters. Tony Karl has been facilitating the DVD viewing and discussions. We are looking for your feedback and ideas!

What topics have you enjoyed most? What topics are you sorry you missed? What topics would you like to discuss in the future? Do any speakers come to mind? Any video/DVD presentations come to mind? Anything else?

Welcome to our blog!

Thanks for visiting our blog. Feel free to join in the conversation, or to simply read the threads. Anyone may comment on the blog. Please e-mail Tony Karl if you'd like to be an author (one of the people who can make new posts).