Monday, May 21

The 39 Articles of Anglicanism - Part III

Articles 9-18, "Personal Religion"

IX. Of Original or Birth-sin
that it is not merely in following Adam's example of disobedience, but inherent in human nature, and all deserve God's wrath; and that though there is no condemnation for the baptized believer, yet the lusts of the flesh are still sinful;

X. Of Free Will
that only by the grace of God in Christ can we turn to God in faith, do good works, and "have a good will";

XI. Of the Justification of Man
that we are accounted righteous by God only by faith for the merit of Christ, not by our good works;

XII. Of Good Works
that good works of a believer are pleasing to God and make a living faith known;

XIII. Of Works before Justification
that works done before one is justified are not pleasing to God, do not bring grace, and as not commanded by God, "have the nature of sin";

XIV. Of Works of Supererogation
that it impious to suppose that one can do more good works than God commands or requires;

XV. Of Christ Alone without Sin

XVI. Of Sin after Baptism
that the baptized believer is capable both of committing mortal ("deadly") sin, and of being forgiven upon true repentance;

XVII. Of Predestination and Election

XVIII. Of Obtaining Eternal Salvation only by the Name of Christ
that only in the name of Christ is one saved and not by following the law of nature or of another religion;

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